That was our dismissing question at the multi-level marketing training session of today. Our trainner actually took the time to ask different ones what their dream ride is. As I sat there, I wondered what mine is. That is, when the real money from my global opportunity businesses (Access Marketing and ICT) starts rolling in. My 6-figure income. Wow! what is my dream car? Infact, last week on a trip to Port Harcourt, I visited a BMW car outlet and I was really thrilled. Well the question is for you too-WHAT IS YOUR DREAM CAR? lets share our dream
The Home Business
Friday, July 21, 2006
What's Your Dream Car ?
Thursday, July 13, 2006
The Trial Triumphant
He is gone!
What? What did you just say?
Mhhhm, he is really gone.
Oh my God, it can’t be true, how can it be? No, no!
What are we going to do now?
Who will….who will…and who will?
I remember the last time I saw him
I remember the last words he told me
They are so dear now and come alive like never before
Oh, may I never forget, may I never forget!
Oh God, life can’t go on being the same
There has got to be a change
I’ve got to do something
I know that I must go someday, but when I do,
I want to go like him. So, I must live so!
My thoughts, just thoughts, but I wasn’t alone.
A fire went off so that many would come alive,
Come alive to true living, living like he did,
A proof to the world, that Christianity and loving Christ,
Isn’t a monumental disaster
No! It’s the fullness and the beginning of real living
In memory of you Dr Ayo Olofin
Many times, I wish you were around
Your life has inspired me, your death awakened me
Wish you were here today to see a changed me,
The other lovely side of your daughter
But sleep on; we’re doing fine and day by day,
Young men and women, working in the footprints you’ve left behind,
Are coming up to AIMTOPS
He is gone!
What? What did you just say?
Mhhhm, he is really gone.
Oh my God, it can’t be true, how can it be? No, no!
What are we going to do now?
Who will….who will…and who will?
I remember the last time I saw him
I remember the last words he told me
They are so dear now and come alive like never before
Oh, may I never forget, may I never forget!
Oh God, life can’t go on being the same
There has got to be a change
I’ve got to do something
I know that I must go someday, but when I do,
I want to go like him. So, I must live so!
My thoughts, just thoughts, but I wasn’t alone.
A fire went off so that many would come alive,
Come alive to true living, living like he did,
A proof to the world, that Christianity and loving Christ,
Isn’t a monumental disaster
No! It’s the fullness and the beginning of real living
In memory of you Dr Ayo Olofin
Many times, I wish you were around
Your life has inspired me, your death awakened me
Wish you were here today to see a changed me,
The other lovely side of your daughter
But sleep on; we’re doing fine and day by day,
Young men and women, working in the footprints you’ve left behind,
Are coming up to AIMTOPS
Sunday, July 02, 2006
I haven't been posting! Oh Amara why? Well, not trying to give excuses because I dont want to live a life of excuses. Someone once told me that an excuse is a well planned lie. But why havent I been posting? It's because I had an all week christian convention here in the U.S (morning and night) and then I and some of my friends are working on a coporate blog site and must generate enough posts before the launching of the site next week. God is our help. It's very challenging but we'll do it because we're young entreprenuers who are reaching the world through Access Marketing and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Just keep in touch, I wont do bad at all. Love y'all.
Tags: excuses, convention, entreprenuers, ICT