The Home Business
Monday, November 20, 2006
Hello y'all its been a very long time. I am not the kind that starts things and leaves it half done neither do have any excuse for keeping mute for a long time. I am back for good. I have been busy with my network marketing biz-Tahitain noni international to be precise. Its been very challenging but extremely rewarding. I hold presentaions more often than ever, have more prospects than ever and my organisation is sure taking a huge turn. Everyday,I thank God that I met this company and made the decision to DO. My daily activities includes Prospecting especially with our great Honey party concept, searching and digging for my gold.I am on a Journey that many have taken and succeded, in my company, over 350 has become millioniares in just 10 short years, I am using a proven system and all I need to do is stick to it and 1+1 will always and definitly be= 2.I will hencforth thru my blog, share with you my everyday experience on this my journey to guaranteed success.