Every home business man or woman needs is a good mentor. Mentoring is prerequisite to success and this is simply a supportive one-ono-one relationship between an accomplished individual and an aspiring individual to facilitate the aspirant's growth and developement. Mentoring is not an end in itself, but a journey towards independence. In multi level marketing, good mentors abound. They'll allow you find the best in yourself and live up to your potential, develope your personal vision and enhance your management and leadership skills.With an mlm mentor, you'll find resources you may not have found on your own, elicit high commitment to personal change and gain leadership support. There is a learning period in mlm after which you'll come out a proffessional and a mentor youself. As a good entrprenuer, you should be willing to be mentored, be adaptive and opened to ideas that are diferent from the way you are used to doing things in the traditional business world. The mentor in turn, derives personal satisfaction because he is doing something worthwhile which will in turn, benefit him. There are no pitfalls, for all the known and proven ideas one to truly succeed will not be in any way hidden from you,JUST GET SOMEONE CREDIBLE.
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